東日本大震災 / Great East Japan Earthquake

東日本大震災  [ Great East Japan Earthquake ]

発生日時:2011年3月11日 / March. 11, 2011

震源地 / Epicenter


70 kilometres (43 mi) The focal region lasted for approximately 200km in width, the wide area of approximately 500km in length.


概要 / Summary


A large-scale tsunami was generated by an earthquake. It is flooded from the coastal place to the approximately 6km inland and the height of the tsunami is approximately “6m – 8m” on the coast, but is supposed when there was the area that was beyond up to “10m”. And the amount of biggest going up of the tsunami reached “40.1m”. This tsunami reached the shores of the world around Pacific Rim.


死者・行方不明者 / Dead person, Missing person

計約2万人 このうち現在も行方不明の方も多い。
Approximately 20,000 people in total.
There are many missing people now.


I place a photograph and a movie in the album.
You must never forget it.
Silent prayer…